Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Things to Remember
This is a list of things to remember if you or someone you know is being bullied. First off you are not alone in being bullied. There are many people every day that get bullied in some way or another. Teens are being bullied for the way they act, dress, talk, or look. Children are being bullied for the friends they make, the color of their hair, the color of their skin, or even just their size. Adults may also be bullied in the workplace or at home. Second, it is not your fault that you are being bullied and no one should ever have to go through the pain of being bullied. It hurts to be bullied and most of the time people are bullied for no real reason, just for the bullies own entertainment. The third thing to remember is whatever you do to stop the bullying, do not hurt yourself. You may feel like it is the only way out, but it is not. You can get help and stop the bully from hurting someone else. Fourth, do not let the bully win. If you surrender to the bully and let them keep hurting you then you are not helping yourself or anyone else. You are just making it easier for the bully to get what he/she wants. Keep doing what you love to do. My fifth thing to remember is, do not bully back. What I mean by this point is just because you are being bullied; do not take it out on your siblings at home or even on the younger/weaker kids around you at school. We want to stop bullying not promote it. Stop it in its tracks do not let it continue to be an endless cycle of one person bullying another after another after another. My last thing that I think all should remember is; talk to someone you trust. If you have someone you can go to that will help you and stand up for you then talk to them. Do not try to keep the bullying to yourself just because they say they will hurt you if you tell does not mean that they can act on that if they are taken care of by an adult or authority figure.